How to dress like a European

men’s designer footwear

There’s no denying that when it comes to looking sharp and fashionable there are many other cultures that make a more proactive approach to trends. That being said, the formal, suave, clean-cut, look that we often note for orderly businessmen in America is actually the more traditional, standard demeanor of an everyday European man. So, as a way to examine stylish appearances across the globe and as a means of recognizing Europe Day (May 9) we’re going to give you a few pointers that may help you to blend in with conventional European men on your next abroad vacation.

What are no-gos?

Since we’ve established that most European men, regardless of their occupation, tend to take a more formal approach to their everyday wardrobe there are definitely a few styles that are worth tucking away if you’re wanting to follow the trends. In fact, there are a lot of elements of your closet that you can probably leave at home.

Running/athletic shoes: While this category of footwear is known for its comfort, unless they’re doing something athletic, most Europeans won’t go out wearing an athletic shoe. While you absolutely want to bring appropriate footwear knowing that you will be doing a lot of walking on a vacation, it’s equally as important to carry yourself with a pair of shoes that match the fashion standards of where you’re visiting. That’s the best part about men’s designer footwear, regardless of whether you select a casual shoe, a dress shoe or a soft, cozy sandal, they’re crafted to perfection with high-quality materials, elegant textures and vibrant bursts of color. Not to mention, usually, when you pay for the higher price tag item in terms of men’s designer footwear, you’re securing a sense of longevity in the purchase. Many men’s designer footwear companies manufacture the shoes in Europe, adhering to the pleasant styles and first-rate quality of the European fashion industry.

Sweatpants: Although athletic joggers are comfy and fashionable among the youthful American population, in Europe, people often view these ensembles as a lazy and bulky way to dress. So, if you don’t want to be easily picked out from the crowd based on your outfit, it’s best to invest in a pair of lightweight, cotton dress pants that are satisfying breezy and convenient for pretty much any type of weather.

Baseball caps: Again, this type of headwear is very much an American trend that hasn’t fully adapted within European culture. Although, we do still think that it’s important to protect yourself from the elements when you’re away on vacation. So, perhaps instead of opting for the plain, everyday baseball cap, you could try flaunting a leather baseball cap instead. With the beautiful textured quality and glimmering aesthetics in the material, this type of hat might make the perfect topper to your trend-setting outfit. Now, if you’d rather try something completely new, we recommend wearing a chic, designer straw hat. After all, it’s already a breezy trend in European fashion and it’s easy to pair with just about everything!

What are yes-pleases?

Well, while there are so many eye-catching, formal fashions that European men wear, we wanted to highlight a few tips that you could use to select the right trendy outfit.

  • Wear well-fitted clothing
  • Limit your bright colored items and stick with neutral tones
  • Accent your outfit with a stylish scarf

Do you have any other pointers to add to help our readers with their men’s designer footwear and clothing? Tell us in the comments section below.


Mo Mulchandani

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