3 easy steps to declutter your closet for new summer wears

As a fashion-forward gentleman, your closet is your sanctuary and while it’s likely already filled with tons of items that allow you to animate sophistication and confidence, that doesn’t mean that you aren’t tempted to buy designer clothing online, especially when they’re new summer arrivals and end-of-season sales. So, for you to best enjoy all the promotions that Upscale Menswear has to offer, you’ll need to declutter your closet and make room for the trending attire that will soon embellish your stylish personality. 

Rotate items to make room for seasonal attire 

Fashion comes and goes in waves and one of the key elements best influencing what we wear each day is the heat of the season. So, instead of attempting to sort through a mess of clothing to find an article that will make you feel comfortable, it would be easier to divide your staple items into three separate piles — winter, summer, and fall/spring. This way you’re able to focus on grouping seasonal attire together, which will allow you to narrow down if there are any stashed away pieces that are going unused because of their fit or style. These items can later be donated to make more space in your closet for seasonal attire! Plus, once you are finished coordinating your statement pieces you can set up a similar system for your shoes, bags, belts, and other trendsetting accessories

Objectively organize your wears 

Those who buy designer clothing online may find it challenging to decide what to keep and what to toss. This could be because you might remember getting a really good deal on an item or simply because the apparel comes paired with multiple pleasing memories. So, whatever your reasoning for tidying things up, it’s important to attempt to remove the emotions that are tied to your vibrant wardrobe and avoid looking for the potential of the use of a particular item down the road in hopes that you will find reasons to keep it. 

Here are some questions that you can ask yourself when you’re deciding what stays and what goes:

  • “Do I love this item and can’t live without it?”
  • “Is this particular item of clothing flattering? If not, can it be tailored?”
  • “How often do I wear this item?” 
  • “Does this item represent a current style or hot trend that I am looking forward to reading for the season?”

How to store out-of-season ensembles

Now that you have coordinated your clothing based on the season, rotated current in-season items to the front of your closet, and possibly even decreased the size of your designer menswear wardrobe, you will also want to ensure that any unseasonable items are appropriately stored away for the later months to come. 

Since July is the dead of summer, you’ll want to consider placing winter items away in storage until they will be needed in the cooler months. Keep in mind that your geographic location will determine which items you will need access to and which can safely be stowed away. Places we suggest are the basement and the attic, which are great areas possessing the extra room needed to fit a few garment bags or tubs. However, since most people don’t have as much access to space as they would like, you can always neatly box any items into the back area of your closet, drawing pieces that are ready to be worn to the front for easier picking. Alternatively, suitcases also work well as an under-bed storage alternative for those lacking ample closet space. 

Are you ready to buy designer clothing online? Here are some tips to make sure you’re properly packing away your menswear essentials: 

  • Clean your winter clothing before storing them.
  • Always fold your knits and put them away, as hangers are known for stretching and causing items to lose their shape. 
  • Pack away your items in a dark, cool, dry area, and if possible, under your bed for easy accessibility next week.

What are your thoughts on our summer cleaning closet plan? Drop a comment below to contribute if we missed something. 

Mo Mulchandani

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