How to prep your wardrobe for the fall/winter season

Right around this time of year, there’s a day where it hits—seemingly overnight, the mornings are brisker and a little darker. While sunny days still happen, there’s far less warmth in the air, and since summer’s little to no layers isn’t practical for the weather to come, the transition between seasons requires a refurb to the closet to make room for some added cozy coverups. Here are some tips for prepping your wardrobe for the next six months. 

Dry clean your statement pieces

For those that don’t know, dry cleaning preserves delicate fabrics, removes tough stains, and improves the longevity of your items. So, if you own some designer statement pieces that can only be worn during the warmer seasons (lightweight blazer, capri-styled slacks, etc.) we recommend that you get them professionally cleaned before you store them away. Afterward, bring your items home and remove them from the temporary garment bags to give the fabric a chance to air out and breathe before you put it into storage. This will also avoid any garment discoloration. 

Give your shoes some lovin’

Your summer footwear has been taking you from A to B all season long, and since your designer sandals and half shoes won’t do you much good are the temperatures dip, it’s time you gave them a little TLC. Even the highest-quality footwear requires a little maintenance in the off-season—re-soling will prevent wear under the shoe while leather and suede materials need to be sprayed with a protective stain once again to ensure they remain water-resistant… you get the idea. Be sure the kicks you love can be enjoyed for years to come with a little love this fall!

Store the items you won’t be using

It should go without saying, however, the inside of a fashion lover’s closet is considered a precious and desirable space—with easy access to grab trendsetting items and carefully hang a combination of casual and formal wears! That being said, for those that love fashion, your closet likely busts at its seams with each passing month, which is why you’ll need to store away season-specific pieces. Make way for men’s button-up sweaters by stashing away your lightweight summer accessories. We suggest transferring these items to breathable garment bags or canvas containers to protect your valuable clothing from dust, insects, and damp environments. 

Are you ready for the start of fall? Shop men’s button-up sweaters, chic, designer boots, and wool headwear to make sure you look as cool as the temperatures that are headed your way. 

Which of the above transition hacks did you find the most useful? Drop a comment below to share.

Mo Mulchandani

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