How to care for your leather accessories in the summer heat

Summer is officially here and temperatures are on the rise. While looking fashionable is a high priority for the gents who read this blog, it’s equally as important for you to learn how to care for your leather accessories amid the heat, especially prized items like men’s designer belts. Whether you plan to stay busy enjoying outdoor activities or attending festivals, we have some essential tips to ensure your leather accessories remain in top condition throughout the season. 

Keep them hydrated

Just like your skin needs daily moisturizing in dry heat, leather accessories such as men’s designer belts also require hydration to prevent drying and cracking. We recommend that you use a high-quality leather conditioner or cream regularly to keep the leather supple and resilient against the summer sun. This will ensure that your products look impeccable for years to come. 

Clean gently and regularly

Regular cleaning is essential to remove dirt, dust, and sweat that can accumulate from your summer activities. Avoid using harsh cleaners and instead, opt for a soft cloth or a dedicated leather cleaner to gently wipe down your belts. 

Storage your items properly

When you’re not wearing your men’s designer belts, be sure to store them in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. This is because excessive heat can cause the leather to warp or fade. While our selection of designer belts bridges the latest trends, it’s up to you to organize your wardrobe to best protect your fashionable investments. 

Protect from water and moisture

While enjoying summer outings, be mindful of water and moisture exposure to your leather accessories. If your belt gets wet, gently pat it dry with a soft cloth and allow it to air dry. That said, a good water-repellent leather protector is the best way to safeguard against unexpected summer showers. 

By following these tips and purchasing your men’s designer belts, shoes, and more from us here at Upscale Menswear, you can look sharp in every summer setting. 

How do you prolong the lifespan of your leather wears? Drop a comment below to share any tips and tricks.

Mo Mulchandani

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