How to master the perfect tie knot

 men’s designer ties

There’s no denying that there is a prominent place in every suave gentleman’s closet where a diverse selection of bold colored, sleek men’s designer ties are hanging. Whether these fashionable statement pieces are used as an added touch of perfection to a ravishing business suit, or they simply aid as an upscale, dressy element to the everyday wardrobe, having a variety when it comes to high-quality neckties and bow ties scream poise, professionalism and trend-setting appeal. Naturally, simply owning a few ties isn’t good enough if you don’t possess the know-how to wear it with pride. That’s why we’ve crafted this guide to teach even the most dapper man how to tie the perfect knot.   

A perfectly tied tie should…

  • Possess nicely shaped symmetry
  • Possess a small crease slightly under the knot
  • Be the length of your torso and reach to the top of your belt

The schoolboy knot

This discrete, symmetrical knot is probably the first knot that most young men learn how to tie. It’s rather simple to do and works best with small collared shirts, slim lapel suits and slimmer ties — the tie width should be around 7cm with this style.

For starters, place the tie around your neck, with the wide end on your dominant side, hanging about 12 inches below the narrow end. Next, take the wide end over to the front, bring it underneath and proceed by completing a full turn around. Then you’ll want to pull it up through the loop and bring it down through the loop. Adjust accordingly afterward by shifting the knots placement and proximity to your neck.

The James Bond knot

A men’s designer tie knot, crafted using the James Bond knot, has the ability to pop even the drabbest outfit. The key to perfecting this gentleman knot is to get the dimples just right. The tie width should be anywhere from 5cm to 9cm and would look best on a shirt with wide lapels and big collars.

In order to get one of the most popular tie knots for elegant men, you’ll need to follow the same steps as the schoolboy tie, only before you adjust the tie knot to a closer proximity of your neck, you’ll need to pull up the excess fabric inside the knot, pitch it together and then pull it down gently below. This creates a dimple in your tie knot. Once you’re happy with the look of your knot, pull on the underlying slim end and guide the knot up around your neck.

The full Windsor knot

Internationally renowned for being one of the most professional tie knots, the full Windsor knot is a great knot for a gentleman who likes the look of a wider placement to pair with their three-piece suit. Ties that are 7cm to 9cm work well for the knotting style.

Begin by following the same knot tying procedure as the other options, but instead of rotating the tie around, you’ll want to bring in up and through at the collar right after you have crossed it over. Then, wrap it underneath and hold it off to your less dominant side. Next, pass the wide end over and through at the collar once again. You should now have a triangle shape at each side. Toss the wide end over the front towards your dominant side, then feed it up over your collar and pull it through. The Windsor knot is a much more complicated and poised example of knot tying.

The bow tie

Since gentlemen don’t invest in clip-on ties, tying a bow tie is a craft they’ll need to master at some point. That being said, it takes a lot of patience and practice to perfect this knot style. To start, place the tie around your neck and dangle the excess amount over your dominant side. Leave it shorter on the opposing side. You are then able to adjust the length on the back of the tie according to how much you will need. Follow all the same steps you would as if you were tying a traditional knot and once you get to the part when it’s pulled from under you will flip the longer end up on your shoulder to keep it out of the way and it’ll be similar motions to tying a shoelace. Pull up the shorter side sideways, pull down the longer part over it and fit it into the middle. Then you can fold the longer part with your hand, slide it through the loop and slowly and gently tightening the knot. It’s like magic!

How many men’s designer ties have you managed to perfect your knots with? Tell us in the comments section below.  

Mo Mulchandani

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